A pay per click advertising campaign is the fastest way to earn extra cash through your website. There are two ways you can utilize PPC ads on your website. Google developed the traditional method through its AdSense program. It involves physical pay per click ads actually appearing on your website. These ads can take the form of banners or advertisements in the side columns.
In Text ads are the newer, more innovative method to put pay per click ads on your website. In Text ads are quieter, and they keep your website free of images you might not approve of. They don't take up any extra space on your website either, so you're free to have as much content on the page as you want. They make a great addition to the traditional ads you might already have.
In Text PPC ads look like links in your website content, but they look slightly different than your other links because they are underlined twice instead of once. Also a small bubble with additional information opens whenever the mouse cursor is over the PPC ad. The information gives the advertiser a chance to grab some traffic from your website while allowing your visitors to avoid unwanted PPC ads by not clicking on them.
Planning a pay per click ad campaign can be quite a large task, but you'll have it done in no time with these few simple tips. Some use the Google AdSense method, while others, like Infolinks, use the In Text method. You may want to start by researching the various PPC ad networks.
As you're setting up your PPC ad account through the network, one to keep in mind is your list of keywords. Keywords are the phrases that people type into a search engine to find you. These keywords should be about 2 to 5 percent of the words on each of the pages on your website. If you utilize keywords properly on your website, you'll draw in plenty of traffic. The more people who visit your website, the more chances you'll have for someone to click on an ad and earn you money.
Infolinks is an In Text advertising network that offers a smarter contextual advertising model for publishers worldwide. Infolinks utilizes the latest technology to maximize your revenue through the best possible contextual ad matching.